- python - basics - data structure
- python - basics - data types
- python - basics - string basics
- python - basics - strying manipulation
Data Wrangling¶
- pandas - pd.read_csv file path referencing
- pandas - drop values
- pandas - selecting by row and column
- pandas - map string to number
- pandas - pd.melt wide form to long form
- numpy - one hot encoding
- numpy - np.sum vs. df.sum
- matplotlib - plt.plot basic properties
- matplotlib - change figure size
- matplotlib - get tick labels
- matplotlib - set tick labels
- seaborn - figure background
- seaborn - stripplot
- concept - machine learning
- algorithm - classification exploration
- sklearn - cross validation methods and comparison
- sklearn - setting hyperparameters with double asterisks
- pickle - how to save trained models and important objects
- hyperopt - hyperparameter tuning comparison
Deep Learning¶
- git - cheatsheet
- git - .gitignore and untrack files
- git - add remote repository on github via commandline
Environment Setup¶
- cloud platform - aws - ec2 data science set up
- cloud platform - aws - cli cheatsheet
- cloud platform - google cloud platform - fastai