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Cli cheatsheet
commands manipulation
- copy output of previous command: cmd+shift+a, cmd+c
file and folder/directory (used interchangebaly)
- create a folder:
mkdir folder_name
- reach/access a directory:
- a sub folder under the current folder:
cd sub-directory-name
- a specific folder:
cd path/to/destination/folder
- copy a file to another folder:
cp file-name path/to/destination/folder
- check file size within a folder:
ls -lh
- check server time zone:
- check all available time zones:
timedatectl list-timezones (| grep America)
- change time zone:
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles
ssh commands
- access remote server:
ssh -i path/to/keypair.pem
- copy file to remote server:
scp -i path/to/keypair.pem file
vim editor
- create a text file:
$ vim new_file.txt
- edit text file:
- exit or quit editing mode:
- exit or quit file:
- save and quit editing mode:
- check disk usage:
$ df -hT /dev/nvme0n1p1
- check disk file system:
sudo file -s /dev/nvme0n1p1