Cheatsheet - Git¶
Commonly used git commands
- initialize a git repo:
- cd to the directory where we want git to track Changes
- initialize the repo:
git init
- check the contents of a repository:
git status
- remove git from current directory:
rm -rf .git
- clone a repository:
git clone repository_URL
add file/folder to staging area:
git add file_name
remove a file that is not ready for a commit, a.k.a., undo add:
git reset file_name
commit change:
git commit -m "commit message"
list all the files being tracked:
git ls-tree -r master --name-only
rename a file in git:
git mv old_file_name new_file_name
git commit -m 'rename file'
git push origin master
check git history, visualize branches :
- Viewing git log:
git log
- Exiting git log: press q (for quit)
- Viewing git log in graph form
git log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline
git log --oneline --graph
give visualization of branches,--oneline
allows tighter and tidier presentationwith
:sh * | 7d7ee90 update |/ * 2d26671 update
:sh * | commit 7d7ee90df266f08201275427623d78d316e5b959 |/ Author: Xiaoyue<> | Date: Fri Mar 20 18:52:23 2020 -0700 | | update | * commit 2d26671d93cfad488e18804f071d409b9dfa17ff | Author: Xiaoyue <> | Date: Fri Mar 20 18:35:16 2020 -0700
- Viewing git log:
compare the difference between two versions:
git diff first_id second_id
compare the difference between working directory and staging area:
git diff
compare the difference between staging aread and most recent commit:
git diff --staged
compare the difference between a commit and its parent:
git show commit_id
restore to a commit temporarily:
git checkout commit_id
add a remote repository:
git remote add origin repository_url
update/sync remote repository with local repo:
git push origin master
check remote repository status:
git remote
get more information on remote:
git remote show origin
update/sync local repo with remote repo:
git pull origin master
rename a remote repository:
- rename remote repo on github,
- update local repo's remote url:
git remote set-url origin new-rul
check remote repo url:
git config --get remote.origin.url
remove a remote repository:
git remote -v
git remote rm origin
git remote -v
comprare the difference between remote and local:
git fetch
+git diff ...origin/master
create a branch:
git branch branch_name
check which branch is being worked on:
git branch
delete a branch:
git branch -d branch_name
merge a branch:
git merge name
If confict, make changes, then:git add file_name(where conflicts occur)
git commit
push a branch to the remote:
git push (to) remote_name branch_name
check the git version:
git --version
get colored Output:
git config --global color.ui auto
- green="[\033[0;32m]"
- blue="[\033[0;34m]"
- purple="[\033[0;35m]"
- reset="[\033[0m]"
Change command prompt
source ~/
export PS1="$purple\u$green\$(__git_ps1)$blue \W $ $reset"
adds the name of the current user to the prompt\$(__git_ps1)
adds git-related stuff\W
adds the name of the current directory