Python basics string basics
Title: Python Basics: String Basics
Date: 2017-10-26 13:26
Modified: 2017-10-30 13:26
Category: Python
Tags: python, basics, string
Slug: python-basics-string-basics
Authors: Xiaoyue MA
Summary: Basic string property and operations.
Creating a String¶
# three ways of creating a string
a = 'string'
b = "string"
c = str(3.14)
print a, type(a)
print b, type(b)
print c, type(c)
# concatenation using "+"
s = 'A ' + 'sentence ' + 'can '+'be made' + 'like this!'
print s
String Indexing¶
# to locate a specific letter in a string
# python index starts with 0
a_letter = 'string'[3]
print a_letter
Basic String Methods¶
# Check whether the string is made of letters
n = "Great"
y = "Gr8"
print n.isalpha()
print y.isalpha()
# Convert string to lower or upper cases
l = 'lower'
u = 'UPPER'
m = 'mIxEd'
print l.upper(), l.lower()
print u.upper(), u.lower()
print m.upper(), m.lower()
String Formatting¶
# %s
s = 'string'
print "Another Way to create %s, which is called %s formatting" %(a, a)
print "FYI: %s." %('')